The Best Vegans To Follow On Social Media

Episode #5  is basically the two of us gushing over our favorite vegans to follow on social media. We discuss our favorite vegan YouTube channels, Podcasts, and Fitness Experts/Instagram Influencers. These content creators offer delicious recipes, fitness tips, and great tips on being vegan.

YouTube Vegans To Follow

First, we cover our favorite app – YouTube! This section is the longest. Mainly because we are both highly addicted to laying in bed watching videos for way too long. These are our favorite vegan YouTubers because they share unique recipes that cover a variety of different kinds of food. Of course, everything comes back to food for us!

Vegan Podcasts To Follow

Next, we dive into our favorite vegan podcasts. Besides our own, the vegan podcasts we listen to focus on fitness, animal activism, and tips on living the best vegan lifestyle. They are full of beneficial topics for all vegans, vegetarians, and anyone looking to live a more plant-based lifestyle.

  • Vegains
  • Muscles by Brussels
  • Plant Yourself
  • No Meat Athlete
  • The Bearded Vegans

Vegan Fitness Experts and Instagram influencers To Follow:

Last, we discuss the vegan fitness experts we follow on Instagram. Whether you are a stellar athlete or you just enjoy moving your body, these fitness experts and Instagram influencers are definitely vegans to follow. You will learn everything from what to eat to have the best workout to tips on how to make the most impact in your workouts.

You can find us on itunes, stitcher, pocketcast, or anywhere else you get your podcast fix. Make sure to leave us a review and recommend us to your friends, family, coworkers, strangers, the delivery driver. Of course, follow us on Instagram @theaveragevegans or email us at As always, we’d love to learn your vegan story, your favorite vegan treats, your episode suggestions, and what questions you have about the vegan lifestyle.