Go Vegan With These Small Changes

This episode covers some attainable ways you can add vegan options to your life. The decision to go vegan doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing change in your life. You can choose to start slowly and take small steps. Or you could also decide to jump in head first and go cold turkey like we did. Whether you choose the slow process or the all in approach, making these manageable changes will make a big difference in your life.

Small ways to go vegan:

In Episode 4, we give you a helpful list of options to add vegan food to your life. We discuss ways to reduce your consumption of animal products and make manageable changes like getting food from your local vegan restaurant. Especially in today’s setting, we encourage you to order take out food from your local vegan restaurant. You’ll stimulate the economy, help a small business, and find delicious ways to eat vegan.

Whether you replace ingredients or try new ones, finding little ways to go vegan is all about experimenting. Like your mom used to say, you never know until you try. The kitchen will become your best friend as you add more plant-based options into your life. We have both found that we love food more now as vegans than ever before.

You may think your favorite comfort foods aren’t an option but you would be wrong. Listen to this episode to learn how we’ve altered our favorite recipes to be more vegan-friendly. We also discuss how to change your protein source to a plant-based option and of course the most essential tip – How to order at your favorite coffee shop!

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