Why is it ok not to be ok? – A Mental Health Episode

Why do we talk about mental health?

In this episode, we discuss why it’s ok not to be ok. Speaking about the importance of mental health is essential to us. We hope this episode helps you as you venture into the new year and tackle new obstacles in life.

Important Note: By not ok, we are not saying having a mental health crisis or feeling like unaliving yourself. More so, those times when we are sad, down, slightly depressed, and just overwhelmed with life. If you feel like unaliving yourself, please call 988 or visit https://988lifeline.org/.

Society’s Obsession with Positivity

It’s not often that you hear someone say it’s ok not to be ok but we want to push the importance of knowing no matter what, there is always an answer to your problems. The push to be happy, joyful, and positive all the time is everywhere. We are taught by teachers, parents, TV, and the internet to only present a positive and upbeat persona. This is toxic positivity, and we are not here for it! Instead, we encourage you to feel your actual emotions, deal with them in healthy ways, and work to find a practical solution if at all possible.

Important To Feel Other Emotions- Why It’s Ok Not To Feel Ok

As the movie Inside Out taught us, it’s crucial to feel other emotions besides just happiness and joyfulness. Other emotions are just as valid. The reality is life can be sad, overwhelming, and stressful. Fighting those emotions or hiding from them is a normal reaction, but we want you to focus on the fact that it’s ok not to be ok. You don’t have to positivity your way through every situation.

Your Brain Lies To You

One of the most challenging lessons Meg has ever learned was that her brain could lie to her and she would fully believe it. Just feeling an unpleasant emotion can sometimes spiral us into thinking that’s all we’ll ever feel. Realizing that a thought is a lie your brain is fabricating is hard to fathom, let alone make it into daily practice. 

Meg gives an incredible tip on how she handles her lying brain!

For more mental health conversations, make sure to check out Episode 71 – 20 tips for dealing with stress!

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