How To Tell Your Family You’ve Gone Vegan

In episode #2, we cover a very important topic – telling your family and friends you’ve gone vegan. This can be a difficult and tricky conversation met with lots of questions, concerns, and oftentimes some opposition. We are here to help. In this episode, we discuss tips to help you tell your family and friends you’re eliminating animal products from your life. And not start a fight!

Our advice covers everything from the best timing to the worst location for this conversation. We also discuss what kind of reactions to expect and how to be prepared for them. Before you blurt out that your vegan now, we encourage you to do your research to be prepared for just about any reaction. And of course, the most important tip – Bring a vegan treat to soften them up! 

In episode #2, we also cover what to avoid to keep this conversation on a positive note. Like don’t bring out the angry vegan at the Sunday family dinner! Your life change does not mean their life changes. Essentially we discuss what not to do when telling a family member or friend that you’ve gone vegan. 

You can use the tips in this episode to have more control over this important conversation. And who knows, your friends and family may be more on board than you expect! 

For those of you that have already had these tricky conversations, please email us at and tell us how it went. 

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