Interview With Molly Patrick

In Episode #15, we have an uplifting and informative conversation with Molly Patrick. She is the Co-Founder of Clean Food Dirty Girl, a company that focuses on helping people eat more plants while celebrating human imperfection. If you want to feel inspired and laugh, this episode is for you.

Offering whole food plant based meal plans, Clean Food Dirty Girl embodies the exact purpose of our podcast – do the best you can to cause the least amount of harm while eating delicious and nutritious vegan food. Molly’s company teaches their subscribers “how to shop, cook, and eat plants that taste damn good. ”

In this episode, we learn all about Molly Patrick and how she can help you enjoy vegan food on a whole new level. She also discusses overcoming sobriety, starting a new business, and living with a non-vegan spouse. You’re going to love this episode and Molly! Learn more about her and Clean Food Dirty Girl here!