How Being Vegan Changes Your Experience

In Episode #8, we share instances where being vegan has changed the way we experienced things. There have been memorable experiences that were altered because we follow a vegan lifestyle. Once your eyes are open, it’s impossible to shut them.


We have both encountered moments where living a plant-loving lifestyle has changed the way we enjoyed television. Even if the show has nothing to do with animals, there can be instances in TV shows that are hard for vegans to watch. Too many of these instances and you may never watch that show again.

Celebrities That Make Fun of Vegans

In this episode, we also discuss how living the vegan lifestyle can alter your opinion of even your most favorite celebrities. From podcast hosts to actors to musicians, we all have a celebrity that has let us down by insulting vegans. There are also instances where you might like a celebrity more if they follow a vegan lifestyle. Truly follow it, not just for publicity.


Buying secondhand is a practice that a lot of vegans love because it helps the environment by cutting down on the purchase of fast fashion. You may think the way you eat shouldn’t alter the way you thrift but being vegan is not just about food. Listen to this episode to learn more about our thoughts on thrifting while living this lifestyle.


Living a vegan lifestyle also eliminates some forms of entertainment that were enjoyable before this lifestyle shift. Some go-to forms of fun are now not animal-friendly. This also includes the changes you make to your social media to see more plant-based content.

Give this episode a thorough listen to hear more experiences in which living the vegan lifestyle alters the way you enjoy things.


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