Our One Year Anniversary

We can’t believe it’s been a year since we started The Average Vegans Podcast. It’s blowing our minds that our little podcast now has 41 episodes and 3 minisodes covering a large variety of vegan topics. We have amazing listeners from numerous countries and the majority of the United States. We’re so thankful for all of you and can’t wait to continue making episodes for as long as you’ll listen.

We started this podcast to take away the pressure to be the pinnacle of health just because you’re vegan. The Average Vegans Podcast is here to encourage people to learn how to improve their health with a vegan diet while also recognizing perfection isn’t possible. We’ve also dived into other aspects of veganism and can’t wait to do even more!

In this one year anniversary episode, you’ll learn the many ways in which the podcast has influenced our lives and which episodes are our favorites. We also discuss the amazing women we’ve interviewed this year! You’ll learn what we want to do with the podcast in the upcoming year and hear our plea for recommendations.

You can find us on Apple Podcast, Stitcher, Pocketcast, or anywhere else you get your podcast fix. Make sure to leave us a review and recommend us to your friends, family, coworkers, strangers, the delivery driver. Of course, follow us on Instagram @theaveragevegans or email us at theaveragevegans@gmail.com. We’d love to learn your vegan story, your favorite vegan treats, your episode suggestions, and what questions you have about the vegan lifestyle.