Georgia Veg Fest 2022

This year’s Georgia Veg Fest was truly a blast! On Sunday, December 4, we gathered with countless other vegans in a new location to support local vegan businesses, hang out with like-minded folks, and eat a ton of vegan food. The presenting sponsor of the 2022 veg fest was the Farm of the Free Animal Sanctuary. There’s actually a new episode about this inspiring sanctuary on the podcast! Check out Episode 74!

There were also tons of great speakers sharing vital information for all vegans and non-vegans alike:

Our Veg Fest Strategy

We take the annual Georgia Veg Fest very seriously. We have a whole strategy! Of course, we do! The first lap was just to see what was out there, who the vendors were, and where we had to stop on our next laps. There was one company that caused us to stop our research lap! Listen to this episode to find out which company that was and why.

The second lap is all about the food and the third is all about the merchandise and even more food! We make sure we don’t miss a thing!

Our Favorite Vendors:

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